A user disputes a claim, because the matched segment actually comes from public domain footage. What happens when you select “Release and Exclude” on this disputed claim?

Are you looking for A user disputes a claim, because the matched segment actually comes from public domain footage. What happens when you select “Release and Exclude” on this disputed claim Answer? If yes, here is the correct answer to this question.

A user disputes a claim, because the matched segment actually comes from public domain footage. What happens when you select “Release and Exclude” on this disputed claim?

  1. Underlying reference data is removed to prevent future claims.
  2. Performance data is excluded from YouTube Analytics reports.
  3. A legal takedown notice is issued to the user who uploaded the content.
  4. The claim is released and an exclusion on the underlying reference file is created.

The claim is released and an exclusion on the underlying reference file is created.

This question is about the “YouTube Content Ownership Exam.” Here, you will find all the updated questions and answers to the “YouTube Content Ownership.” I hope now you know the correct answer to A user disputes a claim, because the matched segment actually comes from public domain footage. What happens when you select “Release and Exclude” on this disputed claim. For more quiz answers, bookmark CoursesAnswer.com.

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