Angela opened her own beauty salon two years ago, and is now looking at how content marketing can help her boost the business’s profile online. How could content marketing help her?

Are you looking for Angela opened her own beauty salon two years ago, and is now looking at how content marketing can help her boost the business’s profile online. How could content marketing help her Answer? If yes, here is the correct answer to this question.

Angela opened her own beauty salon two years ago, and is now looking at how content marketing can help her boost the business’s profile online. How could content marketing help her?

  1. Could it help her find cheaper suppliers? – False
  2. Could it help her develop a stronger brand identity? – True
  3. Could it help her understand her customers’ shopping preferences? – False
  4. Could it help her connect with the right audience? – True

This question is about “Google Digital Garage Module 16“. Here you will find all the updated questions and answers of “Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Exam“. I hope now you know the correct answer to Angela opened her own beauty salon two years ago, and is now looking at how content marketing can help her boost the business’s profile online. How could content marketing help her. For more quiz answers bookmark

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