An agency account manager has set up separate child advertisers for a client, a party supplies store.
Your agency just acquired a new client, a chain of import automotive dealers across different regions. To help get things started, you’ll need to set up their Campaign Manager 360 network so they’re able to separate each dealer location while also having a comprehensive view of their company.
An agency is building a mobile ad campaign with their client who wants their ads to serve to a current-generation browser.
You’re working with your client, a hiking goods retailer, on the launch of a new backpack. You choose to use the Attribution Modeling Tool to make sure that you’re properly crediting each step of the customer journey that helped them to buy the backpack.
Your colleague is working with a client looking to advertise within multiple iOS sports applications. After creating the campaign in Campaign Manager 360 and assigning creatives, there’s an error occurring.
Your office supply products client wants to launch an app for their new online retail store and would like to offer a special sale for people who download the app in-store. Your client also wants the website traffic sent to their mobile site, then have the traffic directed to the store for the sale.
You’ve worked with your client to develop a video campaign. When you’re ready to begin the campaign, only the companion ads are ready to serve.
You’ve been running a campaign for your bottled water company across mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. You’d like to figure out which devices your ads have appeared.