Google Ads Offers A Variety Of Campaign Types Which Determine Where Your Ad Will Appear And The Format In Which It Will Be Displayed.
Gloria Owns A Surfing Clothing Line. She Wants To Increase The Awareness Of Her Brand And Drive Higher Sales.
Emmy Is The Marketing Director Of A Large Marketing Team, Looking To Reach An Audience At Scale Through Smart Display Campaigns.
Doreen Is Looking To Drive Sales On Her Website, And Is Considering Creating A Google Display Remarketing Campaign How Might Remarketing Help Her Meet Her Marketing Objective?
Diana Is Running A Successful Remarketing Campaign. She Wants To Expand Her Reach With Other Targeting Options. While Creating A New Google Ads Display Campaign With The “Influence Consideration” Marketing Objective, She Chooses Similar Audiences As Her Targeting Option.
Colin Is Planning Out A New Google Display Ads Campaign With The “Build Awareness” Marketing Objective In Mind.
Claire Has Created A Google Display Remarketing Campaign. What’s The Most Likely Reason She Decided On Remarketing?
Cassandra Wants To Customize Her Google Display Ads Based On How Potential Customers Previously Engaged With Her Website. Which Option Best Suits Her Needs?
Bill Wants To Reach Valuable, Relevant Audiences And Engage With Them Quickly And Often With His Ads. How Will Creating A Display Ads Campaign Allow Him To Reach His Goal?