When it comes to search ads, which of the following could dictate how an ad will perform against a competitor?
Eric has been selling fruit and veg online for a while. He’s chosen the keywords that he feels will drive the right people to his website; now he needs to track the progress of these keywords with analytics tools.
Eric is optimising his fruit and veg website for SEO and would like to improve his ‘long tail’ keywords. Which of these sets of words contains an example of long tail keywords?
Eric sells fruit and veg online and is using SEO to improve where he ranks in search engine results. He’s researched what people search for to get to his website, and he’s created content to match it.
Eric is keen to improve his search engine results and he wants to use SEO to do it. He’s written the step-by-step process for his SEO plan, but it’s currently in the wrong order. Can you reorder it?